Data Science & Machine Learning
In this Data Science course in Nigeria, you will learn best practices and conventions in Data Science and apply them to create effective and compelling and readable Visualization for businesses and start ups. From there you will learn Statistics for Data Science, My SQL, Python & Machine Learning. LS Academy is one of the best place in Lagos Nigeria to learn Data Science. This class is 100% practical with hands on projects to speed up your learning. Get a certificate and compulsory internship after your training.
INTRODUCTION TO DATA SCIENCEWhere data science fits into today’s society.0sAnalysis vs Analytics0sIntro to Business Analytics, Data Analytics, and Data Science0sBusiness Intelligence (BI), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI)0sRelationship Between Different Data Science Field0sTraditional data, Big Data, BI, Traditional Data Science and ML applied0sPurpose Of Each Data Science Field0sCommon Data Science Techniques0sTraditional Data: Techniques0sTraditional Data: Real-life Examples0sBig Data: Techniques0sBig Data: Real-life Examples0sBusiness Intelligence (BI): Techniques0sBusiness Intelligence (BI): Real-life Examples0sTraditional Methods: Techniques0sTraditional Methods: Real-life Examples0sMachine Learning (ML): Techniques0sMachine Learning (ML): Types of Machine Learning0sMachine Learning (ML): Real-life Examples0sCommon Data Science Tools0sProgramming Languages & Software Employed in Data Science0sData Science Job Positions0sDispelling Common Misconceptions0s
Introduction to Python Programming
Getting Started & Installation
Creating Databases & Tables
Inserting Data
CRUD Basics
String Functions
Refining Selections
Aggregate Functions
Revisiting Data Types
Comparison & Logical Operators
Constraints & ALTER TABLE
One to Many & Joins
Many to Many
Views & Modes
Why Python Programming
Data Types and Operators
Data Structures in Python
Control Flow
PANDAS FOR DATA WRANGLINGIntroduction to Pandas for data manipulation and analysisSeries and DataFrame objectsLoading data into PandasData exploration and basic statisticsData cleaning and handling missing valuesData filtering, selection, and sortingData visualization with PandasWhat is data wrangling and why is it important?Data acquisition methods (reading from files, web scraping, APIs)Data cleaning techniques (handling missing values, dealing with duplicates)Data transformation (reshaping data, merging and joining datasets)Data aggregation and groupingData normalisation and scalingDealing with outliersHandling categorical data (encoding and one-hot encoding)Date and time data manipulationIntroduction to data quality and validationAdvanced Pandas techniques for data manipulation (pivot tables, melt, stack, unstack)Combining and merging DataFrames (concatenation, merging on keys)Data filtering and selection (loc, iloc)Using Pandas functions to clean and transform dataHandling missing data with PandasApplying custom functions to data using Pandas
MATPLOTLIBIntroduction to Matplotlib and its role in data visualisationBasic plotting with Matplotlib (line plots, scatter plots, bar charts)Customising plots (labels, titles, legends)Subplots and figure customizationAdvanced plotting techniques (histograms, box plots, heatmaps)Saving and exporting plots in different formats
SEABORNIntroduction to Seaborn and its advantages over MatplotlibSeaborn’s aesthetics and built-in themesCreating statistical visualisations (distribution plots, categorical plots)Visualizing relationships (scatter plots, pair plots, heatmaps)Advanced customization and styling in SeabornCombining Seaborn with Pandas DataFrames for effective data exploration
ADVANCED REGRESSIONIntroduction To Machine Learning0sPredictive Modelling And Classification0sAssessing Accuracy And The Train-Test Split0sStatistical Learning0sLinear Models0sLeast Squares Regression0sSplitting Datasets0sThe Train/Test Split0sMultiple Linear Regression0sVariables And Variable Selection0sFeature Engineering0sSaving And Restoring Models0sRegularisation – Data Scaling0sRegularisation : Ridge Regression0sRegularisation : LASSO Regression0sDecision Trees0sBias-Variance Tradeoff0sParametric Methods, Ensembling And Bootstrapping0sRandom Forests0s
ADVANCED CLASSIFICATIONAdvanced Classification0sNatural Language Processing0sHow Machines Understand Language0sLogistic Regression0sIntro To Binary Classification Using Logistic Regression0sClassification Metrics0sModel Improvements0sImproving Classification Models0sDealing With Imbalanced Data0sTree-Based Classification Methods0sTraining A Decision Tree0sTree-Based Methods For Classification0sSupport Vector Classification0sSupport Vector Machines0sNearest Neighbours And Naive Bayes0sKNNs And Naive Bayes0sHyperparameter Tuning & Model Validation0sHyperparameters And Model Validation0sNeural Network Classifiers0sClassifier Model Selection0sBuild All The Classifiers0s
Project and Portfolio Collation
Projects (Fragments)Data Analysis of a CSV File0sStock Portfolio Analysis0sCustomer Segmentation0sTime Series Forecasting0sMovie Recommender System0sE-commerce Sales Analysis0sData Cleaning and Transformation Tool0sHouse Price Prediction0sEnergy Consumption Forecasting0sStock Price Prediction0sCustomer Churn Prediction0sSentiment Analysis on Social Media0sImage Classification0sCustomer Segmentation0sAnomaly Detection in Network Traffic0sTopic Modeling for Text Data0sMarket Basket Analysis0s
Capstone Projects
Career Support & Mentorship
Recommended Internship (2 months)
You will learn current best practices and conventions in Data Science and apply them to create effective and compelling and readable Visualization for businesses and start up. From there you will learn Statistics for Data Science, My SQL, Python for Data Science, Machine Learning. Classes are always fun and insightful so go ahead, enroll and join us.
What you’ll learn
- Data Science Fundamentals and the business value.
- Discover the importance of refining and editing data, and what can go wrong if you don’t do it correctly.
- Examine ways to connect with your audience by personalizing your content.
- Ideation techniques.
- Learn Python for Data Science.
- Statistics and Prediction
- Machine Learning
This Data Science Course incorporates visuals as early as possible rather than adding them on at the end. Within the first few of sections, you’ll start to formulate your first plots! Additionally, unlike most other courses where you must spend hours dealing with boring, false data (colors, animals, etc.) before you ever see your first real dataset, we begin using real datasets right away. What are you waiting for? Enroll right away!!!
Take Data Science Crash Course | Data Science Training in Lagos
What's included
- 4 months duration + 2 months internship
- Certificate
- 4 Article
- Live Tutor
- Lifetime access